It is the integrated feature, so it is out of control in the Studio. But you may hide the fewer fields via CSS or Javascript. For example, if you need to hide the postal code field you need to add the following rules to the Custom Styles area of your template:
Hello EugenW !
It is the integrated feature, so it is out of control in the Studio. But you may hide the fewer fields via CSS or Javascript. For example, if you need to hide the postal code field you need to add the following rules to the Custom Styles area of your template:
.bx-form-input-location-zip {
display: none;
.bx-form-input-location-zip {
display: none;
Thanks! I'll try
Can you show pic where yo.put this
Hello Workdirect !
All CSS changes can be done via the Studio->[Your template name]->Styles-->[Your mix name]->Custom styles area