Added a discussion


Dont sure if UNA have inside Studio some setting to apply http to https redirection after activate SSL certificated, i dont find it.

If not, wich will be the proper way to apply correctly this permanent redirection on UNA? Via .htaccess? 

If affirmative, can anybody experienced indicated the proper lines to add there?

Many thanks!

  • 1868
    • First make sure your header.inc.php file has the secure in the site url.


      Next, add these lines to your mod_rewrite in the . htaccess file


      *Change the highlighted to your domain name.

      Reference: https://unacms.com/page/cmts-view?sys=bx_forum&id=7217&cmt_id=32459

      • Many thanks Jose Sadel 

        Follow the steps and added:

            from HTTP to HTTPS added by Jose Sadel

            RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on

            RewriteRule .* https://mydomain.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]


        But giving me "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

        Deleted cookies, but same problem.

        Any hint over this?

        Thanks a lot!

        • Clear cache folder

          • Many thanks Jose Sadel 

            Follow the steps and added:

                from HTTP to HTTPS added by Jose Sadel

                RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on

                RewriteRule .* https://mydomain.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]


            But giving me "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

            Deleted cookies, but same problem.

            Any hint over this?

            Thanks a lot!

            Try applying one solution at the time, and test it.


            Maybe you don't need to modify the htaccess file if the first solution works.

            • Hello Jaduho !

              After this change, you need to clear the content of the cache and cache_public folders.

              • Hello and thanks Jose Sadel LeonidS Rocco!

                Tryed it, deleted all UNA cache from Studio, deleted also cache and cookies in 2 browsers and tried it from Chrome and Edge, but still same issue when apply the redirection:  "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" 

                Any hint over this to try?

                Thanks a lot!

                • Still waiting support about this. As a suggestion, hope in proactive way since i also supporting UNA, would be great to improve support and add a ticket system in order not lose clients who support UNA and pay 600$/year mainly for a more concrete and direct tech support, more than asking in forums.  Andrew Boon Mark Purser LeonidS Anton L Alexander  Many thanks for consider it.

                  • UPDATE: As the provider of Jaduho has the own rules to work with redirect then any additional code like Jose Sadel shown was generating the "Too many redirects errors". So the solution was to enable the "Force Https" parameter in the Control Panel.

                    • Hello, this was fixed, many thanks for support LeonidS and UNA. The provided code to apply permanent redirection from http to https  is correct and should work in most servers. If still experience any trouble, contact host support and check if they have an alternative way to force the https redirection instead the .htaccess lines to apply the redirection. 

                      • Many thanks Jose Sadel 

                        Follow the steps and added:

                            from HTTP to HTTPS added by Jose Sadel

                            RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on

                            RewriteRule .* https://mydomain.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]


                        But giving me "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

                        Deleted cookies, but same problem.

                        Any hint over this?

                        Thanks a lot!

                        Try applying one solution at the time, and test it.


                        Maybe you don't need to modify the htaccess file if the first solution works.

                        I'm glad you've  figured out :)

                        I knew there were other server redirects somewhere in cPanel and therefore i had suggested (on my earlier reply above) to only apply the una secure default. Nice! 🙂 

                        • Thaks a lot for help and the correct code Jose Sadel! Nice day over there 😉 

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