It is normal to reload sometimes to see new changes. Also in Studio > Dashboard > you may clear cache and reload to see fresh content. Some content displays immediately ... comments, photos, likes, forum posts etc.
Please specify what do you mean under "Any time I change something, I have to reload the site, to see the results..". If you mean that some actions in Studio require to reload the site - then this is a normal situation, like Molosser Dogs said (thnx!).
ıf you are posting to timeline and it is needed to reload to see the post. It may mean that you are using wrong post form / timeline blocks combination.
It is normal to reload sometimes to see new changes. Also in Studio > Dashboard > you may clear cache and reload to see fresh content. Some content displays immediately ... comments, photos, likes, forum posts etc.
Hello Testator !
Please specify what do you mean under "Any time I change something, I have to reload the site, to see the results..". If you mean that some actions in Studio require to reload the site - then this is a normal situation, like Molosser Dogs said (thnx!).
ıf you are posting to timeline and it is needed to reload to see the post.
It may mean that you are using wrong post form / timeline blocks combination.
Thx 2 all!
OK.. But in Studio / Configs too..?
This is a normal place to renew variables in the code.
Sounds like your browser is hanging onto the cache too long. Clear cache of your browser. Ctrl + F5 and see if the changes appear.
OK.. Thx!