in my custom template I want to inclue a custom css file, like newtheme.css , so i can generally chage the css and i know exactly where i have made chages ect. However in the old dolphin i would stick a link to that css in some header php some where if i remember correctly, but i cannot find a place to anchor my css file in the new platform thats inside my template. How have you guys been doing this? I can chage the css in the current css files, but I want to make my own. How would I go about doing this?
Hello Little Pockets
Now you may insert the whole content of your CSS file into Studio->Your template->Styles->Custom Styles area. It is the easiest way.
i can't find a way to do this. I can't find styles or custom styles
I am not using the portean template, I am using a variation of the ocean template and there is no styles in this template. I tried to duplicate the portean template and alter the css to make my own styles and generally learn how things are done. but unfortunatley all the new template I created kept doing was 'duplicated error'. So i chose the ocean template that i could duplicate and create new templates/modules from. So that the orignal template would be untouched and the only thing i could break is my own template. That is why I need a way to insert my own CSS file so the template I am making is stand alone and does not mess up the orignal templates.
btw why is there no automatic spell checker on this chat system, all modern chat systems have spell checkers, i have to keep going back and editing my post, or stick it into a google document to check the spelling when i can be bothered.
You may find here how to operate with Protean (or other non-Ocean templates) Styles . The keyword is "mix".
If you need to have the to work with Ocean then you may add the necessary "global" CSS file via Studio->Designer->Injections area, "Head injection". Or add the content of your CSS file to the one file of this template in modules/boonex/ocean/data/template/system/css/general.css.
Please specify which one did you mean?
ok i don't want to just change the portain template, the object is to create a new template. the ocean template gives me the oppertunity to make a new template that stands alone, because I can copy the entire ocean template, chage the details and make an entrely new template which i can install and alter the css to make it individual to whatever i want, and i can make a few this way. The portain template seems to be make so its more difficult to do this, it just gives errors that is why i scrapped the idea of modifying portain.
so i have created my ocean copy, named it something else. i can easily change the css as you say by altering the current css in general/common.css i know this. But i would like to be able to include a different css file, where i know where all my changes are. but i can't find a way to, normally i would find a header.php or something like that and ancor the css file there, so the question being, there must be a way you guys have linked your css files so your template can see them an apply the css, where would this be? in the ocean template,
its ok i anchored it into _header_js_custom.html and its now being picked up by the template. I would love to know how all the other css files are anchored tho, I have routed through the files from top to bottom and can't find it.
In the code the additional CSS can be added via the following construction:
BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS_PUBLIC . 'photo-swipe/|photoswipe.css',
BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS_PUBLIC . 'photo-swipe/default-skin/|default-skin.css',
where would you put this code?
Usually, it is added to own _addJsCss method of the module. And this method is called in the getCode method which "draws" the final content of the page. See for example template/scripts/BxBasePage class.
Spell checker in chat can be frustrating because for mobile phones there's already an auto correct. If you're on UNA using a PC you can just use a regular spell check program