just give me one line that's it's from google translation, then how did you know it that's google, we participate correcting and suggesting in google translation more than arabic citzens wide...
I did not understand your question sorry, it looks that you were affirming that's a google translation lol, and now i see that you were asking, no it's not , if you translate via google you will get tons of erros in the strings, we translated it line by line caring the code and keys in the strings... you will check it soon on demo.
just give me one line that's it's from google translation, then how did you know it that's google, we participate correcting and suggesting in google translation more than arabic citzens wide...
let us see in demo
I did not understand your question sorry, it looks that you were affirming that's a google translation lol, and now i see that you were asking, no it's not , if you translate via google you will get tons of erros in the strings, we translated it line by line caring the code and keys in the strings... you will check it soon on demo.
you will be notified soon إن شاء الله
باذن الله يا كبير .. عايزين حاجه موز اللوز كدة
حاجه من شغل المعلم لابنه
أنت تأمر يا باش مهندس، سلملي على مصر