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Hey All, I`m running una 12 and have bought nexus, problem is when I try to install it i get an error saying it`s not compatible with my version of una. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 1229
    • Hello russj85 !

      Please specify what version of UNA do you have (Studio->Dashboard)? Did you try to update it to the latest variant first?

      • Hey thanks for the reply, were running una 12.0.1 but am not sure where to check for updates, also it1s running on php version 7.2 if that helps.

        • If you have the proper setup key-secret pair (Studio->Settings->General) and your Studio->Dashboard->Server audit area shows all points as "OK" (green), you should see the Upgrade button directly in the Studio->Dashboard app.

          • I see that all checks on the server audit are ok but one thing I notice is that when looking at the una.io side it shows that I have no server and directs me to get tmd hosting which I already have. Would this have something to do with it?

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