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is making menus really this hard? I found navigation, made a new menu and added new item, but now what? I want to make a side menu of simple links, my albums, my groups,my friends, my this and that you know, not everyone elses  albums, but the users individual albums. but I just can't do it. So i looked at pre-existing items in other menus, found one that might work and copied that address


it doesn't work, the end result is a blank error page and mysite.com/page/albums-author?profile_id={profile_id} (which is an error page). There has to be an easier way? It can't be this hard surely. How do I make a menu? Its actually starting to drive me mad. is it really this hard or am I just not getting it?

  • 2216
    • Hello Little Pockets !

      Please specify in what area do you try to use the link with {profile_id} argument? This variable can be replaced to the actual profile id only on persons view area.

      • but why should it be so difficult to create a menu item? It a baisc thing that all websites need to have, but its made near impossible to do.

        • I guess it is a fine way that the index page doesn't content of the specific profile variables by default.

          • i'll just have to route through developer and see if i can find the bits and bobs

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