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Everytime I look at the new messenger features I get more and more impressed. The sleek easy reading design is on par with most social media sites but also offers more potential too. I realized that admins could create multiple pages that only have Shoutboxes on them and thus creating a sort of "Rooms" expansion in the submenu of the main Messenger Page. I wonder if theres a way users can create public messenger rooms that could be seen in the submenu on Messenger or even allow admin to create filters to have only certain chats be seen by certain groups of people.

Example User creates new chat and gives it a title where he would be given an option in a setting to make it public, friends only, select friends, followers etc. Then another filter could be used to filter out country etc... So many possibilities

  • 242
    • Hello @Will Roberts,

      In current Messenger version you can not create groups in Messenger manually with certain participants and sub talks in it, but it is possible to create several Talks with the same set of users and threads based on messages from the Talk (Thread will be created with the same set of participants). Also it is possible to create any number of Talks connected with any page and on main messenger page or on page with the Talk you can see the all sub talks connected with this page.

      For example: you create standard Group in UNA Groups module, then activate Messenger block on this Group's view page. Now you can create on Main Messenger page any number of sub Talks for this page with the all participants of this Group. Thus you may have group of the talks on Messenger page.

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