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I really would need a portugues translation. Anyone has done already? If so - where can I find it?
If not, I would like to do one because I think it is worth the work. Is there any "Howto" / manual?
Thanks for youre fast response!
Have a nice day, eastern and stay fine in Corona-times!

  • 1964
      • Hi and thanks for the answer!
        "You'll find available translations here "
        Yes, I have seen the official store. But en, fr, de, ru is availlable. I aseked because could have been that someone already translated (ou started to translate).
        "If language is not listed, you can find how-to here. "
        Thank you. Will read and think about starting to translate.
        Thank you and "happy eastern" to everybody!

        • Hi,
          I made everything as told in the "HowTo" above and it works. thanks so far!
          One question: if I want to change some things afterwords - maybe there are some mistakes or better translations - where do I do it? I can do it in this app "Polyglott", OK. But I cant see the changes in the .xml files in the module - xml files in the folder of my module (translation).
          When / how do changes get "imported" if I change something in those .xml - Files? Which is the preferred solutiuon to make changes afterwords - Polyglott or "by hand" in the xml-Files? I really want to avoid trouble because of a mixture between Polyglott and the translations in the files.
          Thanks a lot for youre help!

          • Hello walhalla !

            The xml files are left the same. The changes in Polyglot are processed only in the database and then placed in the language cache file.

            • Hi LeonidS any many thanks for your help! I understood and choosed the way ranslating the xml-files because I can use for other installations too.
              I also found the way to "import" the files / changes by the developer - module. OK so far. But It doesnt import / update all the values from the xml-file. In my case it doesnt import changes in the /system/mylanguage.xml - file. For example: trying to add a comment to any post, in the opening form it is nearly all in english ("leave messga here" ... choose the visibility (Only me, friends, ...) everything in english. In my xml-file everything is translated.
              Do you have any idea how to fix? And yes: I looked in the Polyglott regarding this values: they are in english in the dadabase. So obviousely my translations were not imported?!
              Thanks for youre help!

              • The best way to import it from XML file - create the own language app https://github.com/unaio/una/wiki/Creating-new-language-module

                • Yes, this link was in the first answer here (from Nathe Forden). I made it exactly this way. Yes, it works so far. I only have problems with the /system/ file (translation). the translations of the other modules work fine so far. Just this system - translation doesnt work (completely).

                  • Send me please the UNA studio and Control Panel access details via Messenger

                    • Hi Leonid,
                      the Administrators access - data? Sorry, can't do this! Sensitiv / personal data inside. Sorry, but I really can't share administrative access. :(

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