Added a discussion

Hi, I'm new to using UNA, the thing is that I saw the UNA Team video of "Group Feed" and I saw that for Post and things like that they use Timeline, I tried to do this (also to show Posts and Discussions in the Timeline format, I think that's what they use here) but I didn't find any results, only for the Timeline "Updates", I want to know how I can integrate Posts and Discussions to the Timeline Feed format.

  • 829
    • Hello @Gran Sabio !

      By default, the Posts and Discussions apps are "connected" to Timeline. So any activity in the public items will be shown in the Public feed block. If this is not what you ant then please provide us more examples of your request.

      • Oh, they already appeared but only the Posts and Discussions created after I added the "All Feeds" block. Is there a way to fix this?

        • Not sure If I've got what you need to fix now. You may use the Public Feed block of Timeline to show the content of the public events.

          • Let me make it clearer for you, when I created the discussion nothing appeared in the Public Feed, but later ONLY the events (posts, discussions, etc.) that I created or updated after putting the "All Feeds" block appeared, I also tried with the Feed of the followed groups (Timeline) and nothing appears, maybe the same thing happens as with "All Feeds", Is there something so that I can somehow update all the Timeline Feeds instantly?

            • I guess you have the situation now, that Timline app has been installed later than Posts or Discussions. So the items created there before the Timeline appearance can't be shown in the All feeds block.

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