Added a discussion


I want to ask about canceling the Messenger icon in the bottom bar of the mobile application or diverting it to messages, because I do not want to subscribe to Messenger, as it does not require me.

@Andrey Yasko @Alex T⚜️ @Anton L @LeonidS @Mark Purser

Thanks in advance

  • 1622
    • You need to remove the following block in App.js file in mobile app source code:

                  <FooterTab style={styles.footerTab}>
                      <Button vertical onPress={o.onMessengerMenu} badge={o.bubbles['notifications-messenger'] > 0 ? true : false}>
                          {o.bubbles['notifications-messenger'] > 0 && 
                          <Icon style={styles.footerIcon} name="chatbubbles-outline" type="Ionicons" solid />
      • Thanx

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