In the /page/view-space-profile, there is a box to post to the feed of the space. Unlike other ways to post, it does not have a rich editor on my site. For our application, this is really needed. Can someone point me in the right direction to add the editor? I'm using Una 12.1.0 and have Froala installed.
Hello @Te Ara Paerangi Community !
If you need to have the advanced editor in your Timeline then you need to turn on the "Enable post form editor toolbar" in the Studio->Timeline->Post area.
Thanks, LeonidS! I am a newb and managed to find that setting, before I realised that I was going about this wrong. I now see that what I want to do is have a 'post in context' in the space. However, there is no create-post (context) block available in my installation. I am searching for the solution now.
I found the post in context block under the system category. Makes sense, but was not intuitive.