Hy Guys,
An automatic update for the module ,''german language '' created an error for me that no longer allows me to access the apps market via the launcher..
Error: ''Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'home_dir' (T_STRING), expecting ')' in /var/www/vhosts/entity.social/httpdocs/modules/noichl/german/install/config.php on line 29
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0''
Can someone give me help how to solve?
Thank you
Hello Entity !
Yes, it is the trouble in the previous German language package. You need to update it via the Studio->Apps Market->Updates area. If it will not available then open the file httpdocs/modules/noichl/german/install/config.php and add the sign ' to the mentioned line. It should have the look like:
FANTASTIC !!!, how much a sign can damage . Excellent answer. Thank you Leonid
my config.php has this
still problem error
Hello Juergen !
As I checked, it hasn't. So now it is correct.
Thanks, LeonidS for this worked great and I learned another cool thing today...Thanks, Entity for asking and making this a super quick fix. Unity in the community!