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Dolphin UNA platform is very difficult to navigate. VERY difficult. This UNA site is difficult to navigate also, its not simple enough. I can see so much hard work has been put into this platform, but come on guys things need melding together. There is little to no instructions on how to do things. I have found a few out of date youtube videos that don't match the current Dolphin una. 

For instance…. I just want to make profile fields to put into profile information, so people can have on their profile if they want, say...i went to 'this school' or 'I like to drink tea'. and for that to appear in profile information. I eventually found 'forms' and found something inside forms that looks like the static profile info that comes with the installation. so I figured hey! It's here, I will stick a few fields in to see what happens. but alas, nothing happens. nothing at all. This is because there is little to no information on how to actually do things. I can't see how anyone will pay money to get a platform that is so hard to navigate, and if it's not hard then show us how to do it. Many people would be willing to fork out cash for this platform if only they could figure out how to actually work it. 

I personally can't find anything on this website that helps, in fact finding anything on this website besides my own profile is difficult. I mean a lot of the time I feel like uninstalling UNA, but then i think……..



Is there a manual on how to do things? instructions? please show me because everything is just hard. It's like figuring out how to do brain surgery with the instructions written on the back of a cereal packet. 

You know what, give me an idea of how this thing works and i will write a blooming Dolphin UNA guide for dummies. Starting with the basics, like how to turn it on.


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