Trying out my first deployment.... Documentation is not so helpful, I'm finding. I have an AWS account, and was able to make the Server Provider. I am assuming the Key and Secret were supposed to be received by creating an IAM user for UNA to login and deploy with. But, no information that I can find on what policies are needed.

I gave full Admin permissions. It seems that when I hit deploy, UNA was able to connect and create some things, but within 4 seconds it errored because it couldn't create a default VPC. I gave full VPC access, but that doesn't seem to solve the issue. Again, lack of documentation for this makes the easy deployment to AWS, not so easy.

I was also thinking about using Azure as I have a nonprofit grant with them as well. But, no information there as well. But, I have more experience with Azure and connecting services. I'll try that next.

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