Hello !
Some errors appears all of time.
All is ready like force updates but same error on the logs:
Accounts Manager module: Cannot update module from "boonex/timeline/updates/update_14.0.1_14.0.2/" directory
Do you have dome issues to fix it?
Hello @Chris !
Could you please specify the version of your UNA and the version of Timeline that is shown in Apps Market?
Hi @LeonidS !
Thank you a lot for help us...
Timeline version 14.0.1
Una : 14.0.0-rc2
Hello @Chris !
Could you please specify the version of your UNA and the version of Timeline that is shown in Apps Market?
Hi @LeonidS !
Thank you a lot for help us...
Timeline version 14.0.1
Una : 14.0.0-rc2