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Who wants to perhaps coach me in modifying an RSS plugin or just writing my own from the existing code (if its open source),  ?
It does not attribute the content owners or add proper simple meta data to the posts its plugging into una. this is a legal risk for plagarism and proported content theft, and thats why i want the guy to fix it, he hasnt even answered me that he understands the problem, and while i am not in any way faulting him, or blaming him- for anything actually-
I find the current performance of the plugin extremely unsatisfactory and need to fix it. or delete it from my site and politely warn my friends not to use it. we all care very much about having the author of the work, the title of the content, and the originating post url aggregated into the una rss feed or any rss feed. this has been standard on the web since they invented rss and first noticed it was an issue. i shouldnt have to fix this, or it even be an issue.
okay cool, so theres an api for write.as which is where most of the content comes from, i aggregte the rest from slashdot, and then my own blogs- and have other plans for the plugin, so this is actually very important. if i explained it, the guys head would pop off and he'd have coded it like this from the beginning because the value would be understood of the rss software itself, in the utility of wat it gives a web user. its a custom newspaper or whateverr. etc this is very powerful. ok bye! :D
https://developers.write.as/ and the plugin is the modzz rss plugin.
humbly thank you all, and please halp, i can understand the code when its written, and i read it but i dont know what to do haha otherwise just yet. to modify this thing so it pulls down the "title" and so on from the appropriate api areas over at developers.write.as - :)

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