Couple of questions about Photo

Today in our weekly show "Couple of questions about Photo" - a couple of questions about Photo :)

1. Is it possible to make possible Multiple Upload ?

2. Is it possible to add published Photo to existing Album ? 

Thanx in advance and stay tuned :))

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Replies (9)
    • :-) Do you mean to transfer a photo (photo module) in album module?

      • yep.

        what's the point to have Album and Photo divided?

        IMHO, it have to be option to upload single/multiple Photo to new or existing Album.

        Now it very strange. Very.

        • Yes, it's also my opinion, I think it only confuses the user like this. in addition, the thumbnails for photos, it's not great, especially for portraits ...
          And in the photo search results, it's even worse and pixelated limit.

          • Confusing = welcoming out. My ppl says that it's not intuitive.

            Lot of features that by all means not necessary (like many profiles for one account etc), Some features confusing each other (Albums and Photo), some missing (Custom Privacy List).

            What possible more intuitive and logic that Adding a Photo- One or many - Pointing it to New/Existing Album - Post?

            And it can be the the only picture Mod on site!!

            • ... and no pre-moderation still not possible ... and still no "visible for member only" ...

              • Offtop detected:)))

                // for member only... in closed/secret group you can post any content and only members can see it. there is no option to post open content from closed group. But I can live with it, it fits simple logic. Albums and Photo - by far not.

                • Yes, we agree, groups, polls not serious, but photos and profiles is very important, a lot of members do not go out to be visible from the outside and find their personal photos in google, at least it's good to leave them the choice.

                  • 1. We'll add it in next update.

                    2. IMHO, it make no sense to have both Albums and Photos modules installed, it's better to choose one of them.

                    • 1. OOO!!! Thanx Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!

                      2. Agree. Totally. But. If, only if, in Photos will be options to sort by it's albums, or in Albums will be option to start uploading from single pic, not from album creation... Let's face it, Alex, You not starting to taking a pic from going to near book store and buying an album :) I can't imagine such need - every time I want to share a pic - to open an album.

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