@support there seems to be an issue with my site. Currently, I am having issues with notifications that keep loading, and I cannot create new pages.

Is there a way to audit this?

Reposted OneEagle's discussion.


My logo (image + business name) is wide and doesn't look great on UNA because of the default logo size in Artificer, the top navigation menu and the toolbar member icons (notifications , messenger etc) that occcupy too much space in the top navigation bar.

I would like to display one version (short version) of my logo to members and another one (long version) to guests as many items of the top navigation bar don't show to non-logged-in users. Please how to achieve that?

Facebook does the same. They got a short and long version of their logo as you can see on the images below.

One version for logged-in users:


and another one for visitors:


I know there is this tickect #4656 possibility to upload separate images for Light and Dark modes but that's not what I am talking about.

It would have been great to also be able to upload multiple logo versions/images and set the membership level visibility. 


  • 129
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What happened to the 100 Days Challenge?

100 D-Days Challenge

There hasn't been another UNA blog post since then.;18th March, 2024 I believe.

I'm thinking of dropping our 'Community Hub' powered by UNA. It has been an interesting experiment but the project is not taking us where we need to go.

Meta-Travel still has Dolphin installed behind the scenes.

Although it's far from perfect, I do like the Timeline for posting links and a collection of modzzz modules that still work.

We need to rethink the total Meta-Travel 'membership' structure and probably concentrate on our own content generation through the Meta-Travel Tips and Trips section.

I appreciate all the work LeonidS puts in to help the community and I wish you all well.

Michel - TravelNotes.org

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How can members join a Channel without adding a hashtag to their profile? We want to have two levels for Channels where one is the members and one where there are followers. We want the Members to be able to join without the use of a hashtag? How do we set up Channels without hashtags?

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How can I set the visibility of a Poll to a Course or Class. Does this capability exist?

How can I make this possible? Can a Add Poll Menu be added to the Course or Class. etc.

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We can create groups but they are not really visible. I know we have total freedom and transparency on our forum.

How essential our user input is for transformation and growth. But how much control do we really exercise.

Some of the incidents, request, problems or changes logged by the community can sometimes seems intimidating and overwhelmed or could it be that we disclose to much even though open-source, but for some it is business as usual. This depends on the level of knowledge and understanding, something I can not say for sure, and this is why?

We don't classify our users/visitors well enough to channel information to their level, something I would say is based on their level of IT experience , Business understanding or Entrepreneur interest. Let me be practical about it to explain better...

  • An entrepreneur who vision himself in a direction of owning or see a need for an online platform, with no prior experience in IT whatsoever.
  • Business owner who simply needs to replace his online platform and embark on journey to find a much better and affordable replacement.
  • An IT guy understanding methodologies and protocols but has no PHP programming background
  • An opportunist willing to adapt and learn no matter what, and find comfort here hoping to succeed
  • Our competitive presenting themselves as ordinary users
  • Journalist doing research in the field of metaverse

I personally wish to express myself in order to make a difference, but also want to invest in the idea that this is indeed until the bitter end of my life where I wish to remain, for my goals hangs in the balance of it.

Recall on this as well that our vendors truly contributing and form part of the bigger picture can become quite venerable if not protected - battle it out behind the scenes.

There is more but let me close down now with my humble request. Please create a public group with a member restriction based on a certain criteria, this could mean all of us but, we do some classification, for I wish to criticize at times for the greater good but must be visible to those eyes needed to see it - top management for example

  • 530
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I installed UNA-v.14.0.0-RC3 on ubuntu for evaluating and playing with it, and have a few newbie questions.

Some of these, I don't know if they are bugs in UNA or problems with my installation (of UNA and/or Ubuntu packages)

I have also looked at

github / nacms

 unacms wiki/Introduction    (several of the sub-pages)

Questions & Help Needed:

- When customizing/editing pages like: about, terms, privacy, and menu items in system header, how to do it

 so if I update UNA, it doesn't overwrite my changes.

- Studio, Navigation | system | footer, items listed as "Language" and "Template" do not show up (I'm logged to UNA as una admin account)

 I don't see any restriction selected. Custom action says: bx_menu_popup('sys_switch_template', window);

 What else determines if this item gets shown? 

- create profile, I upload a profile photo, it goes through as if ok, then shows a broken link where the photo should be

 Is it the "Storage" subsystem or ffmpeg or other problem?

 Back to the main page, it shows blank user image; then when I click "upload new" on the main page, it works correctly

 Then later, it doesn't show again. I refreshed the page as well, and it still doesn't show.

 - possibly related: in groups, where it shows "n members" or "n followers", there is a little broken icon link

 - similar problem when I upload image for a group; it shows up at first, then when I refresh the page, it's a broken link

 - sample from page:

   (the & may be because of the way I copy/pasted) localhost:8000/ image_transcoder.php?o=bx_persons_thumb&h=2&dpx=1&t=1739212812 

   When I put that URL into firefox, I get an UNA page that says "Page Not Found"

   (localhost:8000 is my UNA server's web address for my test/evaluation site)

- In "Groups", when I show group info, it shows group info block, and an "info" block, the "info" information is already in the group info block as "description", so it appears twice on the page and looks silly/confusing

 I can disable the "info" block by editing the page. What happens when I update the software, will I lose my changes?

 What is the best way of customizing some of these without losing my changes every time?

Bugs & suggestions

- Icons and commands show "javascript:void(0)" on bottom of my browser window when I hover over them

 Many of the icons are not self-explanatory, and a hover help text (or long-click for mobile devices)

 would be very helpful! 

 On PCs, popup text that goes away when you move the mouse and/or what shows in the browser status area on the bottom (bottom area is not as helpful for more users since they don't know to look for it; for technical people like me, it's ok.)

- Bug: I added help to a page, then when I go to display the page and press the "?",

 the popup help shows up, but if it's on the left of the screen, part of the popup balloon is missing

 and I can't read the full help text. In this case, the popup balloon should be placed more to the rights

 so the entire balloon is visible.  (Probably has same problem if it's to the right of the screen)

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does anybody knows, is there a way to set the waiting time to less than one hour? for ex. set up, send every 15 min 1 message. actual is only possible to set 1 hour as minimum

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have some questions for persons search, maybe someone can help...

  1. is it possible to open the results from a persons search in a new window?
  2. is there a way, to offer a tiny search and an extended search. for ex, looking just for gender, country, age and if you want more details use another search option. i believe in dolphin that was possible. i know that you can only search for a country, but i believe some users do not understand it and fill out too much and do not find a lot of profiles.
  3. if using the location field at registration like the same what you can use for events, to fill out automatic the address, how that works with persons search? i tested it with country and when i search for a person in this country, nothing is showing.

actual i use the standard una country field, which works fine and i use post code, city and region/state/county field, where persons must enter a name and searching works also fine, only problem is, some persons use for ex. new york and other ny, so that means that this profile will not be shown if you looking for new york and not ny. i believe, to avoid this, it would be great, to use the location field where the address will be filled out automatic