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I'm having some issues with 

Thanks in advance. Hope all are well. 

  • 1923
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FB is blocking both of my una domains. Any idea why this would be? I cannot make ads or even posts that have a link to the sites.

Has anyone else experienced this? 

  • 2035
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I just got an email, I have seen a few before but ignored them:

Database error in Adjusters Club Social Network

SELECT * FROM `bx_ads_entries` WHERE 1 AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status` ='active' AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status_admin` ='active' AND (`bx_ads_entries`.`category_view` LIKE '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`title` LIKE '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`text` LIKE '%Mon%') LIMIT 0, 4

Mysql error:
Unknown column 'bx_ads_entries.category_view' in 'where clause'

The error was found in getAll function in the file /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php at line 776.


Debug backtrace:

Array (    [0] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php            [line] => 1149            [function] => execute            [class] => PDOStatement            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                    [0] =>                 )         )     [1] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php            [line] => 1132            [function] => executeStatementException            [class] => BxDolDb            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                    [0] => PDOStatement Object                        (                            [queryString] => SELECT * FROM `bx_ads_entries` WHERE 1 AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status` ='active' AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status_admin` ='active' AND (`bx_ads_entries`.`category_view` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`title` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`text` LIKE  '%Mon%') LIMIT 0, 4                        )                     [1] => Array                        (                        )                     [2] =>                 )         )     [2] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php            [line] => 499            [function] => executeStatement            [class] => BxDolDb            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                    [0] => PDOStatement Object                        (                            [queryString] => SELECT * FROM `bx_ads_entries` WHERE 1 AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status` ='active' AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status_admin` ='active' AND (`bx_ads_entries`.`category_view` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`title` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`text` LIKE  '%Mon%') LIMIT 0, 4                        )                     [1] => Array                        (                        )                     [2] =>                     [3] => 1054                )         )     [3] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php            [line] => 371            [function] => res            [class] => BxDolDb            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                    [0] => PDOStatement Object                        (                            [queryString] => SELECT * FROM `bx_ads_entries` WHERE 1 AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status` ='active' AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status_admin` ='active' AND (`bx_ads_entries`.`category_view` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`title` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`text` LIKE  '%Mon%') LIMIT 0, 4                        )                     [1] => Array                        (                        )                 )         )     [4] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php            [line] => 776            [function] => getAll            [class] => BxDolDb            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                    [0] => PDOStatement Object                        (                            [queryString] => SELECT * FROM `bx_ads_entries` WHERE 1 AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status` ='active' AND `bx_ads_entries`.`status_admin` ='active' AND (`bx_ads_entries`.`category_view` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`title` LIKE  '%Mon%' OR `bx_ads_entries`.`text` LIKE  '%Mon%') LIMIT 0, 4                        )                 )         )     [5] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php            [line] => 760            [function] => getNum            [class] => BxDolSearchResult            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )     [6] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php            [line] => 592            [function] => setConditionParams            [class] => BxDolSearchResult            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )     [7] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/template/scripts/BxBaseSearchResult.php            [line] => 53            [function] => getSearchData            [class] => BxDolSearchResult            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )     [8] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/modules/base/general/classes/BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult.php            [line] => 128            [function] => displayResultBlock            [class] => BxBaseSearchResult            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )     [9] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php            [line] => 438            [function] => displayResultBlock            [class] => BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )     [10] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php            [line] => 112            [function] => processing            [class] => BxDolSearchResult            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )     [11] => Array        (            [file] => /home/adjuste1/public_html/searchKeywordContent.php            [line] => 31            [function] => response            [class] => BxDolSearch            [type] => ->            [args] => Array                (                )         )

  • 2036
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I just had to share with you guys :) 

I just noticed 4 days ago I recieved my first payment of $12.00 for a premium annual membership! Yeah! Thanks a bunch for all of your help you guys. 

Cheers, May this be a great year for the una community! 

  • 1963
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  • 1925
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Why does it say empty after I post a picture?


  • 1211
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How are you guys monetizing your sites besides paid memberships? 

This is the only ad plugin I can find that almost does what I'm looking for,

Anyone using a better solution? 


  • 1224
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How to add php block to a page? I can't figure it out. 

  • 1267
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When I add a subscription to the cart and checkout it takes me to paypal but only one time payment. Want to be recurring by default. 

This is probably a paypal thing but thanks in advance for any tips. 

  • 1020
AdjustersClub Discussions
FaceB Blocking Domain?
Database error
OMF! My 1st Paying Member Whooohooo!
How can I get product thumbnails / picuture to show up in the market?
Why does it say empty after I post a picture?