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I am testing UNA and I have created another account to see how it works. But I have 2 issues, first is when I send a friend request the other account receives it but when I try to accept it, it says Input data isn't defined.  Moreover, I can see the notification in the panel menu header but when I click on it's empty.

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Is in the UNA  $50 monthly subscription the service plan included? 

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Is there any way to make for external users unaccessible to see the profile of members etc. and hence, only see the splash page ( the website directs to the splash login page but from there I am able to access and see everything, I just need to click login link to be able to access everything even if I am no logged in)?  I see that you can change what part of the website an assigned member category can see, but I need to change every single setting one by one but still I am not sure if it works.

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Are there any chances to change the then menu items' names? For example friends to connections. I am trying UNA and see if it is suitable for my project I can see that it is possible to customize many things from Forms, but I cannot see how you can change the menu items' name. 

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What about adding more options for sharing such as LinkedIn etc.? This will give the option for professional network to share post without leaving UNA based platform, maybe enable social sharing to multiple platforms in one go... even post schedule sharing won't be bad! 

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Does UNA have a Progressive Web App?

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Antonio Discussions
service plan
Public Profile
Friends Request
Change friends to Connections
Social Sharing
Progressive Web App