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Sorry to be such a paint but new to this and not exactly a techie. 

I am trying to install the Rocket Chat but the Oath page listed in the settings is a 404 server.

  • 855
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When I click on my profile and try to update the status, the spinner comes on and I can't update.

I am hosting with the 100.00 plan on the UNA servers. 

  • 906
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After the 1st installation was full of errors. I deleted and reinstalled 7.04

Here is the issue that I get when trying to load

Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /dolphin/inc/ on line 227

  • 901
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So, i wanted to purchase the license and found that it isnt as easy as I thought.

Between errors in installation, difficulty in purchasing, im wondering if this will be suitable for a community website. 

How do i actually buy the license?

  • 360
liannemr Discussions
Status Update Error
New install error
New user looking to install the license question