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i tested the Ad System. My question is:

I insert an add an other user clicks the button I'm interested.

Then i get an notification, i click on this and im on my ad site.

where can i answer or contact the guy here? (i also tested the setting Use internal notification about Interested action but the same happend to me)

  • 769
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i have 2 things.

  1. No Notification when i add someone as Relationship
  2. Is there a way someone can say he works for an Organisation and add his position there?
  • 728
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i wanted to know i its possible to take the place where you are.

For example i search a pizzeria in my town. Then i want to take it to say im here. But when i post it shows the Adress to the pizzeria not the Pizeeria name etc.

  • 722
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so i want to ask why i dont see Groups, Events for example on the Add Content Menu. The Modules are installed and also active in the Dashboard but dont appear. I opend the Create Post in the Dashboard.

Or how should i be able to create an Event in an group?

  • 713
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i dont have the title box in the Form add Photo. This way if you upload a photo it shows up with no title.

Which box i need to add with which values to have it working correct?

Attached are pictures of that Issue

  • 718
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how i can i archive this menu?

im searching for tutorials etc, im fit in php and all things. But for me the start is hard to find everything in the menus adminpanel etc.

maybe someone has the instruction for me where i can activate this sidemenu.


  • 785
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i installed the Lucid Template since i visited the online.me demo site and wanted to archive also the Pencil(Editor) Button.

But sadly on my site it isnt showing up. I cant find any setup description or something which says how to setup the template to archive the same as in the demo.

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i was searching for the resolution but was not able to find it.

Im searching to activate the Emojis also for Comments, Updates etc. if its possible.

Thank you

  • 680
UltraTM Discussions
Ad System
Relationships & Organisations
Google Maps to take Places where you are
Add Content Menu
No title in Add photo
Add Sidemenu