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It seems that I did a major mistake, when decided to do the translations to local language by editing the fields in Polyglot.

At first I tried to follow the instructions in creating new language module, but somehow I didn't manage it to work. So I ended up in using the default English language module, and translated all the fields to local language in Polyglot.

But now my concern is, that if I ever will update or re-install some modules, or accidentaly click the Reload-button in Developer module, all my 3000 translated fields will be reset. :D  Is there any way to export the current translations from the database, to avoid the situation that I need to start the huge job from the scratch?

(anyways, I think I'll need to do it in some way, because I still wish to do the translation as it is meant to do officially, i.e. by creating a new module...)

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I tried to search this issue, but wasn't able to find anything specific. 

I have a quite basic Una installation, and Google API keys are succesfully set up. Users are able to search their loaction and save it to their profiles. But the problem is, that only their country is been shown in the profile. In our community nearly all users are in the same country, so the more specific location information would be necessary.

Should I make my own field and insert all the hundreds of cities to the custom field, or could I somehow be able to use the default location field to display at least the user's country and city?

  • 1058
SamiS Discussions
Save/export polyglot edits?
More specific location information