Dear all,
We joined UNA for different reasons but a similar goal, that is trying to seek and unite people. I adore this grand idea but had I underestimated the massive amount of leadership and stamina to doing so particularly since the global pandemic outbroke.
I am writing to say an hello and a few words of encouragement to the leaders in here, that the efforts of good will being sown shall turn into fruits upon perseverance. Stay healthy and keep pursuing!
I hope this post brings peace to you all.
Regards from Hong Kong,
- 1394
「斑鳩舍」 是一個獻祭性的基督徒服侍單元,對象是那些承認自己尚未足夠地認識耶穌基督的信徒。
我們每一個「斑鳩舍」 單元均靠著同一個聖靈來同工,因而不至於論斷和分化,於世上就是這樣獻祭地去生活來廣傳福音,讓世人都有根有基地知道天父差派耶穌基督來拯救,並且愛他們如同愛我們一樣。阿門。