Instant Notify

Displays a popup in site, it shows all the latest notifications instantly of the user (If the user is online).

Extra features:

  • "Who viewed me". After adding this module, you will see quickly increasing the user's interaction.
  • When they visit a user profile or organization profile, they get a "new view notification".
  • There is now a list of all users who viewed my profile so your users know who visited them and go watch their profile too.


  • Version 1.0.8 - June 09, 2023
  • Compatibility with UNA 13.0.0 fixed
  • Version 1.0.7 - January 09, 2023
  • Compatibility with UNA 13 RC1 fixed
  • Compatibility with latest notifications module fixed, please make sure you have the latest update of the notifications module before updating this.
  • Version 1.0.6 - October 21, 2022
  • Added compatibility with UNA 13 b4
  • Version 1.0.5 - May 05, 2022
  • Fixed error when Notifications Module is disabled or uninstalled.
  • Version 1.0.4 - December 06, 2021
  • Compatibility with UNA 13 added
  • Fixed wrong notifications that were displaying "Array" string instead of the actual notification in latest.
  • Fixed compatibility with latest version of Notifications module
  • Version 1.0.3 - July 22, 2020
  • Bugfix:  Who Viewed me list was dislaying own visits to another profiles as if the other profiles were visiting them.
  • Version 1.0.2
  • Bugfix: Notification sent when unregistered user was viewing a profile.
  • Version 1.0.1 
  • Fixed compatibility with UNA 11
  • Version 1.0.0 
  • Initial Release


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  • Buy for $25
  • 9641
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Reviews (7)
    • Finally, someone listened and created this app.  I just bought and installed it and it works great.  Only wish the popups would be positioned at the top right but otherwise works beautifully.  Thank you MSolutions 

      • Great Product... ?

        • Great app, works as described.

          • The German translation of this Module u can buy here: [ ]

            • This does not work with una 13 b4. throws this error and when I deactive the app the error goes away.

              Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method MsolutionsNotifyConfig::isInternalNotifications() in /public_html/modules/base/groups/classes/BxBaseModGroupsAlertsResponse.php:23 Stack trace: #0 public_html/modules/msolutions/notify/classes/MsolutionsNotifyAlertsResponse.php(16): BxBaseModGroupsAlertsResponse->__construct() #1 public_html/inc/classes/BxDolAlerts.php(131): MsolutionsNotifyAlertsResponse->__construct() #2 public_html/modules/boonex/notifications/classes/BxNtfsModule.php(441): BxDolAlerts->alert() #3 public_html/modules/boonex/notifications/classes/BxNtfsResponse.php(61): BxNtfsModule->onPost(37997) #4 public_html/inc/classes/BxDolAlerts.php(132): BxNtfsResponse->response(Object(BxDolAlerts)) #5 public_html/inc/ BxDolAlerts->alert() #6 public_html/modules/msolutions/notify/classes/MsolutionsNotifyModule.php(602): bx_alert('msolutions_noti...', 'doViewedme', '677', 2 in public_html/modules/base/groups/classes/BxBaseModGroupsAlertsResponse.php on line 23
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