Messages Pro
Messages Pro Module UNA 13
Messages Pro module is based on the UNA messenger with enhanced feature and extra functionality, new fully customizable pages and blocks, admin management grids & tools, added menus and studio pages, moderator controls for profiles and messages, native browser push notifications and Slack web-hook notifications, message management system for admin & moderators with lots of extra functions, additional options & settings.
Messages Pro Features
- Complete management system for all messages & conversations
- Studio pages for admin persons and moderation of all messages
- Customizable management dashboard, menus, pages and block
- Options for premium users, credits & monetization of messages
- Personal push notifications via Slack web-hooks and via browser
- Added features, pages and functionality for moderation / admin
- Multi level management for admin messages and conversations
- Additional options, settings and menus for all messenger pages
Live Demo Website
Login for preview & testing
password: hCe65WJw
password: 3KYxUXHT
Upcoming Releases
We are currently working on further development of Messages Pro module and upcoming feature versions are planned for release in the near future...