Comment to 'Photo Edit (Visibility bug)'
  • Hello Scholar !

    Sorry, but the Visibility option doesn't depend on the parent and child classes of uploader forms. It depends only on `sys_objects_privacy` table records for example like in Groups:

    ('bx_groups_allow_view_to', 'bx_groups', 'view', '_bx_groups_form_profile_input_allow_view_to', '3', '', 'bx_groups_data', 'id', 'author', 'BxGroupsPrivacy', 'modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsPrivacy.php'),

    • Hello Scholar !

      Sorry, but the Visibility option doesn't depend on the parent and child classes of uploader forms. It depends only on `sys_objects_privacy` table records for example like in Groups:

      ('bx_groups_allow_view_to', 'bx_groups', 'view', '_bx_groups_form_profile_input_allow_view_to', '3', '', 'bx_groups_data', 'id', 'author', 'BxGroupsPrivacy', 'modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsPrivacy.php'),

      Hi LeonidS,
      when uploading a new photo, this is what appears under 'Visibility':
      however, when editing the photo, the visibility list shows the following ('Files' module is not installed, therefore the language keys are not showing properly):
      image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=3784&dpx=1&t=1593946557choosing _bx_files_privacy_public makes the photo hidden. the bx_photos_entries table in that case shows the value 'a' instead of expected value of '3' in allow_view_to column.
      the main difference i found between 'photos' module and 'videos' or 'posts' modules is that 'photos' module uses BxPhotosFormEntry class which inherits from BxBaseModFilesFormUpload
      any idea how to fix this?