Photo Edit (Visibility bug)

Uploading a photo uses BxPhotosFormUpload class which is fine and we can adjust privacy of the photo through it. However, editing the photo uses BxPhotosFormEntry class which inherits from BxBaseModFilesFormUpload. Therefore, when editing the photo, the Visibility (allow_view_to) field shows privacy options for 'files' with 'Public' and 'Participants'. No options for 'Friends', 'Relations'.

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Replies (2)
    • Hello Scholar !

      Sorry, but the Visibility option doesn't depend on the parent and child classes of uploader forms. It depends only on `sys_objects_privacy` table records for example like in Groups:

      ('bx_groups_allow_view_to', 'bx_groups', 'view', '_bx_groups_form_profile_input_allow_view_to', '3', '', 'bx_groups_data', 'id', 'author', 'BxGroupsPrivacy', 'modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsPrivacy.php'),

      • Hello Scholar !

        Sorry, but the Visibility option doesn't depend on the parent and child classes of uploader forms. It depends only on `sys_objects_privacy` table records for example like in Groups:

        ('bx_groups_allow_view_to', 'bx_groups', 'view', '_bx_groups_form_profile_input_allow_view_to', '3', '', 'bx_groups_data', 'id', 'author', 'BxGroupsPrivacy', 'modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsPrivacy.php'),

        Hi LeonidS,
        when uploading a new photo, this is what appears under 'Visibility':
        however, when editing the photo, the visibility list shows the following ('Files' module is not installed, therefore the language keys are not showing properly):
        image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=3784&dpx=1&t=1593946557choosing _bx_files_privacy_public makes the photo hidden. the bx_photos_entries table in that case shows the value 'a' instead of expected value of '3' in allow_view_to column.
        the main difference i found between 'photos' module and 'videos' or 'posts' modules is that 'photos' module uses BxPhotosFormEntry class which inherits from BxBaseModFilesFormUpload
        any idea how to fix this? 

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