Comment to 'Album Image Resizing'
  • I wouldn't suggest the idea that resizing is the optimal way of displaying the correct sized images within their respective containers. We have tools such as basic CSS to define media shapes and sizes for that use case. Resizing is truly meant for saving on bandwidth serving them to the client and as the end-user views them.

    If per say someone uses UNA to house their network which is built around user galleries, it makes more sense to have the Albums and Photo modules be able to handle raw media, or at the very least, display the unresized media within the main view while using the resized media strictly for thumbnail purposes.

    Still trying to understand how UNA stores it's files from module upload forms such as Albums to see if there's a way to restore the untouched file when a user views them in theatre mode and on it's dedicated view page. Just don't quite know if the resized script deleted the file after progressing and creating its own.

    • So you may try to apply 2 solutions:

      1) Go to Studio->Developer App and find on the first page the option "Use GD library for image processing ". Disable it then the system will be switched to use the Imagemagick - sometimes it allows to keep the GIF animation after the resize.

      2) If the previous step doesn't have effect execute the following query in your UNA database (backup it first):

      DELETE FROM `sys_transcoder_filters` WHERE `transcoder_object` = 'bx_albums_big' LIMIT 1;

      It will remove the resize part. Then go to Studio->Dashboard->Caches area and clear all cache.