Comment to 'Unable to post to feed as Administrator - login me out'
  • Thanks Leo for checking this out, I have tried so many stuffs and I discovered the following.

    1. I created another Account with Administrator Status and they worked well without this issue, just missing access to Studio.

    2. Its an isolated experience with the Principal Administrator Account. It will work for as long as I remain within the Studio environment, but when I click on the Home Icon to switch to Homepage, any action I tried doing is denied.

    I cannot post to feed, cannot do anything that required login. Even my profile as an Administrator cannot be accessed because I had the privacy control set to "Me Only" its so funny.

    I can give you the details for access as principal Admin if you feel its necessary.

    So I have been working with 2 Admin Accounts, 1 for Studio and the other for Frontend stuffs.
