Comment to 'Home Page Not Displaying Correctly on iPad'
  • Interesting. I guess it's time for professional help. At least you and I have called attention to this annoying issue. It is real. Perhaps the developers here can find a work-around for the iPad.

    A few years ago, I had a similar problem with Apple products. They would not alway play my UNA videos. Others platforms played them just fine. Thankfully, that is no longer the case..

    Again, let me state the CSS rendering that was missing on the iPad were the very values and selectors I had put in my custom template setting for Protean. Which were supposed to overwrite the original settings. Something got held up in this process, imo.

    I can also attest that when in the Apple Safari browser, if many pages are open - say 15 or 20 - the css does not properly render but there is simply a long list of items on the timeline home page.