If the posts are public they will be indexable and fully SEO-friendly. It used to be important to submit sitemaps to “help” google work out the structure but in recent years it does it daily well without help.
Here’s an example of a search showing post from a few days ago - https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=4AAnXb_tG5OkyAPnyo-IDw&q=UNA10+is+available+now&oq=UNA10+is+available+now&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.3..33i160.2709.2709..3212...1.0..0.325.325.3-1......0....2j1.......8..35i39.pnbHysAktOI
You may see that google picked up the post, picked up the video, and dedicated 3 first serps for una.io pages. It looks as good as it gets from crawling perspective. The rest would be relying on outbound links, speed and content relevance.
Until the site is filled with user profiles and a lot of other pages, a sitemap is really not needed. But when there are a lot of registered users, Google bots do not have time to index important pages. Now I noticed that on one of my old sites of 2019, there are pages with discussions, publications, albums that have not been indexed since 2020.