Comment to 'Just A Thought - Entering Text on Mobile vs Desktop'
  • I was under the assumption that you could already use the format UNA uses. I've had it on my site before but switched it to this type of format mainly because I wanted it to be "different" than other social networks and also because I think it's pretty cool to be able to add an image with text in the same block. What I do want though is when the full window is enabled that there's a Post Button in the pop out editor. Exiting the pop out editor can make the page jump to the top making someone have to manually scroll down to find the post they were just editing and to post it. Also re-sizing images and placing them is almost impossible because mobile phones have screen keyboards that fill half the screen so touching the screen makes the page jump up and down as the keyboard pops up and down. Being able to post directly in full window mode is a must and a button to post and delete is desperately needed


    No Post or delete button in Full window mode and when I press to exit window mode the screen jumps to the top like this forcing me to scroll all the way down to find my spot again
