Comment to '"posts" search function not working'
  • UPDATE! The search form is working now if I check the category like "gardening" 

    but NONE of the text search boxes are working wahhhh (????)

    • I have to have super easy, super minimal navigation - no one is going to take the time to wade through loads of redundant links , people are in a hurry frenzy online if it's not easy they jump ship

      • yes.  

        consider the added complexity of having at least 60% of your audience using a 2.5x3.2'' phone screen instead of a proper monitor on a laptop.

        eyeballs are not set phone size apart for reference.  theres a reason monitors are the size they are.  so the eyes can look straight forward without having to constantly shift focus to see the thing.
        all this makes mobile navigation a giant pain in the *** and honestly, I never use my phone.  But every few weeks I'll load my site on my phone to see what it looks like, just because.


        • well, when you get to that point, if you're stuck we can probably help you.  it took me about a month and a half to get my jot server working, but a lot of that was due to issues with my web server not running new enough software and various security modules on the server were blocking the actual scripts that make the chat run :)