Comment to 'Need of two separate Language Keys for the Comment Block'
  • Hi @LeonidS

    Thanks for your reply and for the solution which worked. You always impressed me with your programming skills!

    Now I have some concerns:

    1) I have a multilingual site (3 languages). Instead of adding many lang blocks, can I use the code above in a Raw block and use a language key instead?

    example: _cmt_block_comments_title_2 (previously created in the Polyglot app)

    which will have the following text:

    Comments, Questions & Answers ({0})

    I have tried:




    but it doesn't work.

    2) Using the example you gave and the 'Raw block', the Comment block title changes to 'Your new caption' which is fine but it creates an additional empty/blank block just below the comment block with the block title: 'Raw'. How to get rid of this additional and empty block?
