Comment to 'Jot Messenger'
Comment to Jot Messenger
  • Ok, So if I want to combine messenger and blocks together, I must create new page, but not add blocks on messenger that correct?

    • In theory you can too, but it seems that the messenger page is limited in height, so you can not see them. what to do then, is divide the page into 3 columns, but i think you will always be limited by the predefined height of this page.
      If you create a new custom page, then you will not have this problem.

      • Note that in the case of the custom page, you do not have the full messenger, so you have a new public channel ...

        • Hello Lehigh Valley Social

          You may add available in admin panel messenger block to any page and this block will contain private talk for members who can open this page. 

          I don't recommend to insert any blocks to main messenger page, because it's height and width are calculated and depend on device and all unnecessary spaces/footer/header are hidden with css and js.  If you add any new block to this page, it may break design and work of the page.