Comment to 'Interesting event happened today!'
  • Yes Mark Purser it will be naive to think that they are not monitoring the very possible treats to them.

    May be this block is only a coincidence I will check the situation lets see ...
    last week I checked what FB knows about me:

    from 1998 all countries and cities I visited, duration of visits, hotels, airports used and dates, with whom I was there , who I visited
    my education life, school mates, my profession, jobs
    my all work places, how much I worked at them
    my current work place, from which route I go to work, at what time I start, at what time I finish, after work where I go usually
    what i read, what I watch, my political view, my religious ideas, what type of women I like!
    if I am married, if I have children, all their names and all infos like mine
    all my relatives
    all my friends, who are my best friends, with who I dont have good relations
    how much my possible income is
    what is the brand of my car, my motorcyle
    and many more I can not guess now!
    my mother doesnt know these all informations about me!
    Thats tooooo much!

    • Hello, the worst Cem is that Facebook will never forget you, you have surrendered the rights for life. I believe that if we are aware of the danger, we underestimate it. If we look back, one day someone had the wonderful idea of having religion put on identity cards in a certain country. A little later, a man with a mustache came to power, and then everyone knows how he used this simple piece of data and then what happened.
      Imagine if this man had had a tool like Facebook at the time ... it's cold in the back. The next will not have the same face, he will probably not be a single man. Let us beware of the plague, and fight against this future danger.
      Yes it's too much!

      • We will fight!