Comment to 'How to safely move Jot Server from one domain name to another?'
  • Thanks for the reply and tip. By the way, I am not moving it to a new server. I am moving it to another domain name (cPanel account) but on the same dedicated server. Node.Js and forever are all installed with all the server dependencies. Jot server is running just fine on the current domain. Should I have to re-install Node.Js and forever again? if I just upload the Jot server folder (with the config file) to the new domain, then start the app.js of the new Jot server using forever and watch on the all changes in certificate folder, will it be just fine? Thanks

    • Awesome. That's exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks a lot Alexey.

      What about the dependencies of the old Jotserver folder on the old domain? How to uninstall them? Will the following command line work on the old Jotsever folder?

      rpm uninstall

      or maybe deleting the Jotserver folder on the old domain is just enough and no need to uninstall its dependencies, right?

      • Hello!

        You should stop old Jot Server instance first and then remove Jot Server folder.

        How to find the all run instances: 

        If you've used forever then you should be able to stop it using command below in the root of the Jot Server folder. 

        forever stop app.js

        also to find the all instances you can use:

        ps ax | grep app.js


        ps ax | grep node

        It allows to find the all run app.js and then run kill command for the instance from the old folder.


        kill -9 pid 

        • Brilliant @Alexey. It works. I have successfully managed to stopped/killed all the Jot Server processes of the old Jot Server on the old domain. and installed the new Jot Server on the new domain. Thank you so much for your guidance,