Comment to 'Location Selector Default'
  • To further complicate this confusing matter, Google has recently begun to charge for their once-free map api services.

    Simple Question: In order to get the location toggle switch to NOT appear (since it has no function to a users other than to frustrate them) but instead to show the address fields, is a working (paid) google map api key necessary? Necessary for the address fields to display?

    In the instructions from UNA, we are directed to png image files in a library folder. Where might the library folder reside?

    I can tell you this with certainly: When visitors come to your site and can't figure out what is going on, they will seldom return. If they wanted to post their location with every type of submission, they could easily just add that information.

    I am trying to get the Location function to work on the Persons (Profile) module. So that a user can edit their location on their profile. Wondering if the geo-location aspect could be the issue. Thank you for considering it.