Comment to 'Location Selector Default'
  • Back to the original question above, by the original poster: What does a visitor to your site think when they click a toggle switch and nothing really happens. Does the fact that it returns to the "location off" position mean that their location has been determined and recorded? And how would they know that ???

    To those who might research the matter at a later date. Here below are the UNA instructions. Good luck - because you will surely need it.

    3. How do I generate Google Maps API Key ?

    Go to and create new project, when a new project is created (select it if it isn't selected automatically) go to Credentials > Create Credentials > API Key, copy created API key and insert it in UNA Studio > Settings > General > Google Maps API Key, then go to Library:
[[/images/faq/google-maps-api-key-1.png|alt=UNA FAQ how to generate Google API key]]

    Then enable the following APIs:

    • Google Maps JavaScript API

    • Google Maps Geocoding API

    • Google Static Maps API

    • Google Places API Web Service

    Additionally, according to recent changes you also need to add Billing Account to your project:
[[/images/faq/google-maps-api-key-2.png|alt=UNA FAQ how to add Google Billing Account]]