Comment to 'Welcome Message'
Comment to Welcome Message
  • No Alex I dont think it will  confuse people if the message comes from one of the admin accounts of the site.
    Normally they will not reply a welcome message, but in case of a need they will already have a contact which will be handy for them.

    • I think it isn't correct to use messenger this way, there are other ways to welcome the user.

      • Hello Cem, if I can afford there is a perfect AQB module to do that. I use it to welcome, and ask the member to complete his profile in order to make the valdiation of his account a priority.

        • Thanks Baloo this is really beneficial.

          But also I am insisting to have this welcome message through messenger to start the initial contact with site administration and users.

          İt's not difficult to send to messenger from code we will do it, no problem :)