Comment to 'Could you update TinyMCE?'
  • It's quite big update, so we decided to move it to UNA 12 version

    • i signed up for, (tiny mce) because i wanted to set up custom text area support across my site, but did not realize you guys had modularized tinymce into different directories of una (and in multiple folders), to integrate it into the site framework...
      it would be nice to have some kind of architecture documentation besides grepping for files, as to the logic of the implementation of tiny across una, so i understand and others may as well understand, how tiny has been modified to "fit" una, so that altering tiny and having a custom version is possible, because i far prefer it to froala, which i think is horribly ugly, and the buttons are illogical.
      so my issue i fixed it, and my site works again, but not with the custom version of tiny that i was trying to install.
      i attempted to intall the seed js in the header, and then instanciate the text area along with the js for the editor in the body injection in designer.
      instead, my site tried calling full tiny into every text field on the site and would not load.
      what it seems that una does, is cuts up the source code version of tiny into multiple folders under plugins, and then calls it in various "levels of completeness" into the different text areas of una.. ie "this text area has full menus, this one has half menus, this one has no menus and is only field for capturing user array, etc...
      i want please documentation of a map of what goes where, so i can modify mine, OR at least something I can understand, and I'll write the documentation for you. .  :-)   I am a technical writer, poet, and my editing skills are ridiculous, I am up to the task. You guys do need a writer that understands the difference between coder level understanding, engineer/SA level, and the implementation layer.. That's imho one of una's biggest weak points, right now - it's a difficult system for people to implement for reason that they cannot understand in general, how engineers and programmers think, and the documentation has all been written (albeit correctly,), in engineering short hand. I'd like to help change that, slowly, over time..
      thank you, and Please advise.  

      • Hello Omar Amer !

        Sorry for the possible lacunas in our documentations, to fill it is an endless process. But we have also the autogenerated documentation . The details about editors integration you may see here . By this part the TinyMCE integration depends from the following parts:

        1) the record for the editor object:

        INSERT INTO `sys_objects_editor` (`object`, `title`, `skin`, `override_class_name`, `override_class_file`) VALUES

        ('sys_tinymce', 'TinyMCE', 'lightgray', 'BxTemplEditorTinyMCE', '');

        2) the main class of the integration template/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php (BxTemplEditorTinyMCE is the child of this file).

        3) every editor integration should have the own method attachEditor where is defined the configuration of the editor.

        So you may start the new integration from the scratch with the new editor object via the mentioned parts.

        • thank you so much, i understand exactly now.  :)