Comment to 'Active links menu problem'
  • Hello Baloo!

    Every menu item contains the name of "menu object". Like in the following:

    <ul class="bx-menu-custom bx-menu-hor bx-menu-hor-inline bx-menu-object-bx_timeline_menu_item_meta bx-clearfix">

    So it's enough to find a proper object and describe it separately in Stuido->[Template]->Styles->Custom Styles area

    • I guess you need to add :active, :hover and :visited arguments like:

      bx-menu-object-Test  a:hover

      • Well thank you Leonid, but I tried all the solutions with the css, I do not think we can solve the problem with the css only. a: visited if I understand correctly checks if the link is already present in browser history, a: active changes the color just at the precise moment where link is clicked but not after loading a new page. I think the browser has no way of knowing what the active page actually is. So I think something has to be done in the code to do that. Correct me if im wrong.
        As we can create menus, and like all the other horizontal menus indicate the active page, well the custom menus should work as well as it seems to me. For me it's a gap.

        • Active menu link has the bx-menu-tab-active classSo you may try to add more settings to this one.