Comment to 'Plagued by html error (or css) in File app.'
  • Hi all. I'm still looking into this unwanted ellipsis which, no doubt, was caused by something I did. Cause nobody else is complaining about it. Haha.

    Yes, the entire UNA package can be downloaded from

    In it are about 1100 incidents of the ellipsis - which usually pertains to text overflow. It appears in the css, js, less, and php files as well as the sql. Interesting, huh?

    Text overflow - that is why the ingenious Leonid S asked about any line width changes. I'll have to go back and double check my previous versions. The only changes I desire to make are in the custom template additions.

    My problem pertains to the Files module only - the first File name on the Files home page. I do not want to reinstall this Files module because I would lose all my current Files. Can I just upload the css and php or html files via FTP for the Files home page? That is my question for now.

    Well, I sure am learning a lot. You? I can understand why UNA does not encourage changes to the core files. But that is a big itch some of us think we must scratch...