Comment to 'Messenger - emojione.json 404 (Not Found)"'
  • Hello!

    This file has been used in old Messenger's versions >= 12.0.7 and this file should be located in messenger/js/emoji-mart/data/set/, the latest Messenger version is 13.0.2.

    Can you please provide me with details:

    1) Which version of UNA do you have?

    2) Which version of Messenger do you have?

    3) Do you have any 3rd modules connected with Messenger.

    If you provide me with access to your site via PM, I will be able to check.

    • Hello @Alexey and thank you for your replay. No need for check by you but thank you for the offer.

      I found out that the problem is in Messenger settings ( /studio/settings.php?page=bx_messenger) where we can choose emoji style.

      And althoug there is no more "emojione" we can still choose it in the emojie settings. And there are more of them - I mean we can choose more emojie styles with no coresponding set in the path mentioned in my first post.

      Our UNA ver. is 14.0.0-A2 and Messenger is version 13.0.1 - I just checked and I see there is an update to 13.0.2. Will update now and I will get back with findings after update.