we are getting php warning every time una's cron job runs (it runs every minute). The warning is:
"PHP Warning: Undefined array key "txt_sample_comment_single" in /path-to-una/template/scripts/BxBaseCmtsServices.php on line 384"
How to stop that warnings being sent to our e-mail every minute?
in our php.ini we have: "error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"
Please advice
- 1632
I've noticed (since upgrade to UNA 14.0.0-B2 ) that when commenting or otherwise using @some-profile and that "some-profile" is selected from pop-up menu
then the created link is wrong - it misses the subfolder where our una actually is located - example:
- wrong URL: https://www.our-site(dot)com/view-persons-profile/some-profile
- correct URL: https://www.our-site(dot)com/una/view-persons-profile/some-profile
Mind the missing una in the link above - our site is in domain subfolder named "una" but from last UNA update the links created by mention @some-profile is now wrong.
Please help me correct this as soon as possible
Thank you
I've noticed (since upgrade to UNA 14.0.0-B2 ) that when commenting or otherwise using @some-profile and that "some-profile" is selected from pop-up menu
then the created link is wrong - it misses the subfolder where our una actually is located - example:
- wrong URL: https://www.our-site(dot)com/view-persons-profile/some-profile
- correct URL: https://www.our-site(dot)com/una/view-persons-profile/some-profile
Mind the missing una in the link above - our site is in domain subfolder named "una" but from last UNA update the links created by mention @some-profile is now wrong.
Please help me correct this as soon as possible
Thank you
- 1303
Just testing if here on unacms the Quick Update is editable after publishing.
Since it isn't on our site. On our site and our dev site when trying to edit timeline "Quick Update" post the submit button turns from blue to transparent and submitting the edit is not possible....
- 813
on Dashboard ( ..../una/dashboard) I see:but I can't find those two reports...
I tried to find them in the DB and I couldn't.
Can someone please tell me how to find and delete this two reports?
Thank you.
- 790
when someone uploads a video to our site the ffmpeg starts to transcode it but after video has been transcoded and it plays ok on our site I see in DB in a table "sys_transcoder_queue" errors e.g. status: Failed and log says: "store local tmp file failed (storeFileLocally_Storage)"
We got Error 500 when click on Timeline from "Profile stats" on Homepage....
The url which gives error is: "https://www.our-site(dot)com/una/timeline-manage?owner=1" .... see error.log below .
( url here on unacms works: https://unacms.com/timeline-manage?owner=1 )
copy of error in error.log of web server:
[Sun Jun 02 15:21:57.710816 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3991384] [client 1xx.xx.xx.xxx:58667] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of BxTimelineGridMute::init() must be compatible with BxDolGridConnections::init($bForceInit = false) in /path-to/una/modules/boonex/timeline/classes/BxTimelineGridMute.php on line 27; PHP message: PHP Stack trace:;
PHP message: PHP 1. {main}() /path-to/una/r.php:0;
PHP message: PHP 2. BxDolPage::processSeoLink($sRequest = 'timeline-manage') /path-to/una/r.php:30;
PHP message: PHP 3. BxDolPage->displayPage($oTemplate = *uninitialized*) /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolPage.php:429;
PHP message: PHP 4. BxBasePage->getCode() /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolPage.php:702;
PHP message: PHP 5. BxBasePage->_getPageCode() /path-to/una/template/scripts/BxBasePage.php:256;
PHP message: PHP 6. BxBasePage->_getPageCodeVars() /path-to/una/template/scripts/BxBasePage.php:726;
PHP message: PHP 7. BxBasePage->_getBlockCodeWithCache($aBlock = ['id' => 1516, 'object' => 'bx_timeline_manage', 'cell_id' => 1, 'module' => 'bx_timeline', 'title_system' => '', 'title' => '_bx_timeline_page_block_title_muted', 'designbox_id' => 11, 'class' => '', 'submenu' => '', 'tabs' => 0, 'async' => 0, 'visible_for_levels' => 2147483647, 'hidden_on' => '', 'type' => 'service', 'content' => 'a:2:{s:6:"module";s:11:"bx_timeline";s:6:"method";s:15:"get_block_muted";}', 'content_empty' => '', 'text' => '', 'text_updated' => 0, 'help' => '', 'cache_lifetime' => 0, 'deletable' => 0, 'copyable' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'active_api' => 0, 'order' => 2], $iAsync = 0) /path-to/una/template/scripts/BxBasePage.php:683;
PHP message: PHP 8. BxBasePage->_getBlockCode($aBlock = ['id' => 1516, 'object' => 'bx_timeline_manage', 'cell_id' => 1, 'module' => 'bx_timeline', 'title_system' => '', 'title' => '_bx_timeline_page_block_title_muted', 'designbox_id' => 11, 'class' => '', 'submenu' => '', 'tabs' => 0, 'async' => 0, 'visible_for_levels' => 2147483647, 'hidden_on' => '', 'type' => 'service', 'content' => 'a:2:{s:6:"module";s:11:"bx_timeline";s:6:"method";s:15:"get_block_muted";}', 'content_empty' => '', 'text' => '', 'text_updated' => 0, 'help' => '', 'cache_lifetime' => 0, 'deletable' => 0, 'copyable' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'active_api' => 0, 'order' => 2], $iAsync = 0) /path-to/una/template/scripts/BxBasePage.php:745;
PHP message: PHP 9. BxBasePage->_getBlockService($aBlock = ['id' => 1516, 'object' => 'bx_timeline_manage', 'cell_id' => 1, 'module' => 'bx_timeline', 'title_system' => '', 'title' => '_bx_timeline_page_block_title_muted', 'designbox_id' => 11, 'class' => '', 'submenu' => '', 'tabs' => 0, 'async' => 0, 'visible_for_levels' => 2147483647, 'hidden_on' => '', 'type' => 'service', 'content' => 'a:2:{s:6:"module";s:11:"bx_timeline";s:6:"method";s:15:"get_block_muted";}', 'content_empty' => '', 'text' => '', 'text_updated' => 0, 'help' => '', 'cache_lifetime' => 0, 'deletable' => 0, 'copyable' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'active_api' => 0, 'order' => 2]) /path-to/una/template/scripts/BxBasePage.php:811;
PHP message: PHP 10. BxDolService::callSerialized($s = 'a:2:{s:6:"module";s:11:"bx_timeline";s:6:"method";s:15:"get_block_muted";}', $aMarkers = ['site_title' => 'Our Site', 'block_id' => 1516], $sReplaceIn = *uninitialized*) /path-to/una/template/scripts/BxBasePage.php:1142;
PHP message: PHP 11. BxDolService::call($mixed = 'bx_timeline', $sMethod = 'get_block_muted', $aParams = [], $sClass = 'Module', $bIgnoreCache = FALSE, $bIgnoreInactive = *uninitialized*) /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolService.php:82;
PHP message: PHP 12. BxDolRequest::processAsService($aModule = ['id' => 59, 'type' => 'module', 'subtypes' => 64, 'name' => 'bx_timeline', 'title' => 'Timeline', 'vendor' => 'BoonEx', 'version' => '14.0.3', 'help_url' => 'http://feed.una.io/?section={module_name}', 'path' => 'boonex/timeline/', 'uri' => 'timeline', 'class_prefix' => 'BxTimeline', 'db_prefix' => 'bx_timeline_', 'lang_category' => 'Timeline', 'dependencies' => '', 'date' => 1697632933, 'enabled' => 1, 'pending_uninstall' => 0, 'hash' => '', 'updated' => 1715329813], $sMethod = 'get_block_muted', $aParams = [], $sClass = 'Module') /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolService.php:52;
PHP message: PHP 13. BxDolRequest::_perform($aModule = ['id' => 59, 'type' => 'module', 'subtypes' => 64, 'name' => 'bx_timeline', 'title' => 'Timeline', 'vendor' => 'BoonEx', 'version' => '14.0.3', 'help_url' => 'http://feed.una.io/?section={module_name}', 'path' => 'boonex/timeline/', 'uri' => 'timeline', 'class_prefix' => 'BxTimeline', 'db_prefix' => 'bx_timeline_', 'lang_category' => 'Timeline', 'dependencies' => '', 'date' => 1697632933, 'enabled' => 1, 'pending_uninstall' => 0, 'hash' => '', 'updated' => 1715329813], $sClass = 'Module', $sMethod = 'serviceGetBlockMuted', $aParams = [], $bTerminateOnError = FALSE) /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolRequest.php:57;
PHP message: PHP 14. call_user_func_array:{/path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolRequest.php:129}($callback = [0 => class BxTimelineModule { public $_aModule = [...]; public $_oDb = class BxTimelineDb { ... }; public $_oTemplate = class BxDolModuleProxy { ... }; public $_oConfig = class BxTimelineConfig { ... }; protected $_bIsApi = FALSE; protected $_iProfileId = 5; protected $_aSearchableNamesExcept = [...]; protected $_aFormParams = [...]; protected $_aBrowsingFiltersKeys = [...]; public $_iOwnerId = 0; protected $_sJsPostObject = NULL; protected $_sJsViewObject = NULL; protected $_aPostElements = NULL; protected $_sJsOutlineObject = NULL; protected $_sDividerTemplate = NULL; protected $_sBalloonTemplate = NULL; protected $_sCmtPostTemplate = NULL; protected $_sCmtViewTemplate = NULL; protected $_sCmtTemplate = NULL }, 1 => 'serviceGetBlockMuted'], $args = []) /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolRequest.php:129;
PHP message: PHP 15. BxTimelineModule->serviceGetBlockMuted($iProfileId = *uninitialized*) /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolRequest.php:129; PHP message:
PHP 16. BxDolGrid::getObjectInstance($sObject = 'bx_timeline_mute', $oTemplate = *uninitialized*) /path-to/una/modules/boonex/timeline/classes/BxTimelineModule.php:2289;
PHP message: PHP 17. require_once() /path-to/una/inc/classes/BxDolGrid.php:294', referer: https://www.site-addres(dot)com/una/
Please advice
- 760
When someone post an Ad and want to change it later the Category can not be changed. What if the member made a mistake in choosing Category while adding an Ad ??
Also the Visibility of the Add can not be set to any other then Visable to All....
I believe members should be able to change the category from edit add and also that the privacy of an ad should be able to be set as All, Friends only, etc...
- 727