Comment to 'Important! Photos not deleted when deleting account with content'
  • I just tested and confirmed this issue on Just to clarify, when someone uses the Photos module to upload photos that is where the issue is. So when I signed up, I uploaded 3 photos using the Photos module. The photos displayed fine, they showed up on the timeline, etc. So then, I deleted my account and confirmed to remove the content as well. 

    So everything was deleted from the site EXCEPT in the Photos module. When I went to Photos homepage  the photos are STILL there. So this seems to be an issue surrounding the photos module since the content is removed from everywhere else. Hope this helps. 

    • Yes, it's absolutely right, and it's very boring for me, I have to delete the photos manually, I do not want members to see photos of old members, what will they think, it's Facebook here the photos are not destroyed? Not good !