Comment to 'License for one testing web for each production web license, for UNA platform.'
  • JPa thomlin 

    It is definitely usable in real life for now. There is no hacking around. You simply log in to your UNA profile and reset your license and then paste your license in your test site. Very simple and not time-consuming.

     You can also use the resources UNA already has setup at and for the latest dev install.

    And your real solution since "Professional" work needs "Professional" solution is for you to buy another license and use it on the mirrored site of the production site. And I am sure you will say you have 20 different people wanting you to build the next facebook for buy 20 licenses, 1 for each test site. You can always sell the license later with the site since you need to buy a license anyway for the production site. It's a business expense, the cost of being a professional in business.