Comment to 'Nexus Testing'
Comment to Nexus Testing
  • Thank you for choosing UNA for you site and mobile apps.

    1) yes, Nexus app is functional, but there is not much there, it just make your app connect to UNA

    2) 1 year starts from the date of the purchase

    3) Nexus isn't platform, it just an App, UNA is platform for development, all the documentation is here:

    If you need documentation for UNA mobile apps - it's written in ReactNative and documentation can be found on their site, we have some UNA specific info in the app source code README file.

    If you have any question please feel free to ask.

    • Hey Alex,

      Thanks so much for the response. I appreciate the info on the subscription and the current status of the Nexus app.

      The documentation on Github is great but I feel like it is overly simplistic and like there were prior instructions that I should have already known. Obviously that could certainly be more about my inexperience than anything else but just my take. A couple new questions from me -

      1. Does it matter where the source code resides for the apps? Does it have to be hosted or can it just be on my local laptop documents folder?
      2. Can both Android and iOS apps live in the same directory? I cobbled together the iOS app (although with some React specific .js issues that I haven’t solved yet) but trying to run the Android setup from the same directory is an exercise in futility for me so far.
      3. When I buy and enable the Nexus app, will I be able to render my site via the mobile app? I have similar configuration type questions which I was hoping to find in the Nexus documentation but I can’t seem to find much.

      Thanks again for the insights